When you go for a AAmir khan movie , you go with a lot of expectations.. And generally he delivers more then expected... This again is such movie. Such a touching movie... Telling us so much about us and our society , but still not preaching... That's the beauty of this movie... The way moms character is personified....Amazing... And while watching the movie {at times showing extremes } still u will feel such things happen in every family is a one way or the other... The one who has to do the last compromise is the mom or the lady of the house... The indian mentality that ladka he pariwar ka naam aage chalayega... The mindset ki पढ़ लो,अपने पैरों पे खड़ी हो जाओ, but still the daughter has to be ready for going to her hubby's home , and b a good obeying wife... THINK... We v still live that mindset... Still we call ourself mordern...
“Boys and girls both are born with soft n kind heart... It is us or the socity who teaches guys tht u r superior ,u have to b arrogant n girls have to b always submissive.”
So many things this flim softly touches... Like religion is no barrier between families still in india even in gujarat...We still resist to b divided... That boys and girls both are born with soft n kind heart... It is us or the socity who teaches guys tht u r superior ,u have to b arrogant n girls have to b always submissive...And my fav is when u see CHINTAN the friend u r instantly reminded of one of your freind who would do anything to keep you happy, go the extra mile to see your smile, and never enforce himself or herself on you... I struck a chord with this AWESOME...Human emoticon lived in this movie... Plz go and watch if u haven't... Because such films need to b seen to change ourselves for the better...