A Si-Fi movie meets fantasy meets mythology meets practical wisdom to create Wonder woman 84.
A film about hope, disparity, choices, ritribution, greed, need woven into a super woman story. Gal Gadot(wonder woman) a lonely lady meets a geek Barbara (kristen wiig) who is the studios ignored type. Mysteriously Barbara finds a wish stone which changes her life and so Maxwell lord( Pedro Pascal) lures her to lease it to him and the story develops.
The direction pat jenkins is very edgy and manages so many subplots to be very finely weaved. Gal is as empowered as wonder woman can be with the finessing Diana Prince. Kristen wiig as Barbara to cheetah is Awesome... From a dull geek to a charming lady to a villainous cheetah her transformation is so amazingly achieved is Mark of a true actress. Chris pine as charm of WW is kool. So is Maxwell lord. The action sequence and the sifi stuff is topnotch.
This movie a many details which make us learn a lot. How hope to despair makes a villian out of a normal human. How greed and power spoils every thing. Staying happy is also an art. Cheating never archives optimum result. And all this in a very subtle way.
A beautiful fun movie to watch with kids friends and family...